Sleep no more nyc tickets discount
Sleep no more nyc tickets discount

You and your fellow voyeurs, enskulled in your morbid headgear, quickly become part of the creepy scenery. Presented with a bone-white Venetian beak mask (the kind favored by plague doctors in the Renaissance), you’re invited to gawk, shame-free, at whatever you see, to rifle through drawers, files, Rolodexes, and even coffins.

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(Also: ’tis sold-out, but set to extend, so get your trigger finger ready.) The UK’s Punchdrunk theater collective - famed for these sorts of immersive, site-specific experiments back on their native sod - has finally brought Sleep to the city that never does, and now, most certainly, won’t: The show infects your dreams.

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What in Hecate’s name is Sleep No More? A dance-theater horror show? A wordless, nonlinear mash-up of Macbeth and the darker psychosexual corners of Hitchcock? A six-story Jazz Age haunted house for grown-ups and anyone who’s ever entertained sick cineast-y fantasies of living inside a Kubrick movie? ’Tis all these, and more besides: a deed without a name, to quote an infernal authority.

Sleep no more nyc tickets discount